Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Décor that dies and thus cannot be resold.

Aka: Flowers. It feels weird to me to spend tons of money on décor that you can’t use afterwards. I am selling most of my wedding décor, so I feel like the money spent on that stuff is warranted. Originally, I wanted only a few flowers here and there to keep the budget down. Things changed when I formed a more solid idea of what I wanted, though... I wanted a fun wedding, but I also wanted elegant touches to the wedding. Nothing is more beautiful and elegant than white tables and white flowers to me. However, all white can look washed out if not done right, so I decided we would use purple as our pop color. Hence, I wanted lots of purple and white flowers. Also, I wanted it to look like we picked everything from the garden.

Some of my inspiration pics. Both of these photos are from StyleMePretty (I think!)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Afterthoughts: To DOC or not to DOC?

Two days before our wedding, I had a bit of a freak-out. No, it wasn’t about whether I wanted to get married or not. It was about whether I had gotten myself in over my head when it came to wedding décor. Ultimately, I was afraid that I wasn’t going to be able to enjoy the weekend because I was too busy setting up and then taking it all down. I think other brides who DIY a lot of things might relate to my fears a little bit. There’s definitely an up side to hiring professionals to do everything on your big day – you don’t exhaust yourself before your party even begins!

We want this...not that...
(photos  stolen from friends of me dancing and me trying not to fall asleep as the end of the night)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

DIY: Chiffon Fabric Pomander

SO! You've decided to ignore my warning and you want to know how to make fabric pomanders? Well, I am not about to reinvent the wheel. I used this tutorial from Fancy Nonsense to make mine!

However, I used chiffon to make mine... so I have a few suggestions:

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Great balls of CHIFFON!

There is a gap of time in wedding planning if you decide on an engagement of longer than 1 year. This gap is called “The Idle Bride Vortex”. Oh yes, it is a real thing. How many brides have said, “Oh, all my vendors are booked. There’s really nothing to do before I order the save the dates and invitations!” Answer: Most of them. Now, how many of those brides are super involved DIYers? Based on my well-educated assessment, about 33.333%. That’s right, 33.333% of all brides are susceptible to being sucked into the “The Idle Bride Vortex”. Luckily, my friend Sarah is immune to having idle hands so I can see she clearly is going to make it through wedding planning without having any “silly-overly-thought-out, but-not–well-executed” wedding project.  

I, however, was sucked into that very vortex.

A bride's brain in the idle  bride vortex.