Monday, December 12, 2011

I love mail

Best part about planning a wedding (other than the fact that you are planning your wedding) is getting copious amounts of mail. I loovvve getting mail. It makes me feel special. For sure I have deep rooted psychological issues that have manifested itself in a need to receive letters, packages, EVEN bills. Seriously, I can't wait to send out the invitations just so I can get your RSVPs back. I am a super big weirdo. I know this.
In Finland, I got lonely a bit but was so very happy when I would open my door to find letters from my fabulous family and to-be family.

Cards from the best mom ever.

Care package from the best mom-in-law ever.

Love note… from Wes of course!

Wonderful thoughtful letters from Florie and Aunt Luisa in Maryland.

They are Wes’s second cousin and great Aunt, respectively. These letters were particularly unexpected and wonderful to receive. I'm a lucky gal with a wonderful new family.

But, now that I am a bride, I get all sorts of things in the mail! Well… mostly stuff I ordered for myself but that is beside the point.

My first package was…

Table number holders! I bought them used from a “Bee” from I followed this lovely lady’s blog from beginning to end. She had such a beautiful wedding. I related to her quite a bit because she is from Michigan (GO BLUE!) and studies neuroscience at the University of Michigan. She was such an inspiration for how to balance your work life in science and life’s fun things (like wedding planning).

Since then I have received many more packages. I received packages of colored twine samples, paper samples and fabric swatches! Oh my.

Bet you want to know what I am doing with all those goodies!

Some packages even came with such sweet notes, too! I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to just look at pictures of things I received in the mail. It’s a sickness.

Were you excited to get things in the mail from me? Such as…. save the dates???

All photos personal.

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